The Women’s Missionary Union  

The Women’s Missionary Union of the Nigeria Baptist Convention was founded in 1914. The organization was however, introduced into the First Baptist Church, Oyo by Mrs. Powell in 1921. It was from Isokun that it spread to other Baptist Churches in Oyo and is environs.

The aims of WMU are:-

  1. To encourage personal and public prayer
  2. To encourage people to study God’s word (the Bible) on a daily basis. 
  3. To share the gospel with others.
  4. To promote stewardship, personal service, charitable giving, and work in the Vineyard.

In all Baptist churches, the WMU is responsible for the spiritual development of children and women.

Four organizations make up the WMU: 

  1. Women’s missionary union (WMU) comprises married women only.
  2. Lydia Auxillary (For girls age 16 and above/until married)
  3. Girls Auxillary (This comprises two groups)
    a. Junior age: 10-12
    b. Intermediate age: 13-16
  4. Sunbeam band ( This comprises two groups)
    a. Beginners class ages: 4-6
    b. Primary class ages: 13-16
    The WMU is in charge of everything.