
As a unit of the Youth & Students’ Ministries Department, the Youth Ministries Division [YMD] works with the youths under the direction of the Nigerian Baptist Convention. The composition of the youth fellowship is distinctive. Students, applicants for admission, job seekers, those who are employed, singles, and married all belong to this fellowship. These groups are the focus of the Youth Ministries Division, a specialized ministry that creates programs to meet the numerous needs of the group’s members.

The objectives at the inauguration were threefold:

  1. To assist Baptist youth in identifying their unique opportunities and responsibilities within the context of the church’s global mission
  2. To encourage Baptist Youth to devote their life to spreading the Christian message.
  3. To provide Baptist Teenagers the chance to get to know one another better and collaborate to carry out the Great Commission.

To share the gospel with all young people and prepare them for lives of service and productive living that reflect the glory of God.


  1. The Nigerian Baptist Convention Youth Conference’s (NBCYC) stated purposes are:
  2. Assisting the Nigerian Baptist Convention in highlighting its stated beliefs among young people;
  3. To share the entirety of the good news of Jesus with everyone who does not know it or has not accepted it, whenever the chance arises.
  4. To promote and offer support for Baptist Youth Center construction and upkeep.
  5. To provide unified action on issues impacting the welfare of the Convention’s youth fellowships and to foster fellowship using any other strategies the conference may decide to use.
  6. To contribute money to any venture that will help spread the message of our Lord Jesus Christ.
  7. To prepare the youths as a formidable force to take over the mantle of leadership for the next generation.


Relationship to the Church

The goal of the relationship between the church and the Youth Ministries Division is church empowerment. This is based on the belief that the youth will continue to play a leadership role in the church. We assist young people in locating themselves in many contexts outside of the church, through self-discovery series, leadership development, mission and evangelism, financial empowerment principles, orientations that lead to excellence in every area of life and other trainings. Youths are prepared to serve in the various capacities they are gifted in, especially as their gifting finds outlets in fruitful service to the glory of God. The purpose of the church is to act as a testing ground for God’s deposits in a believer’s life. With the appropriate motivation, it is expected that the youths would perform.